Book - 21 Days to Die:
The Canadian Guide to End-Of-Life
Written during the the Covid-19 pandemic, this book is both timely and prescient. In it, the writer reminds us that there is a natural process of dying that we can all learn to watch and recognize. It was published by Greenbank Books (a division of Sumeru Books). It can be purchased directly from the publisher.

The Death Dhamma Podcast
In this episode of the Death Dhamma Podcast, host Margaret Meloni welcomes Linda Hochstetler, an accomplished social worker, psychotherapist, Buddhist meditation teacher, and author of the book "21 Days to Die, The Canadian Guide to End of Life." Linda shares her passion for the topic of illness, dying, and death, and how she combines her expertise in grief work, hospice palliative care, Buddhism, and meditation to bring a unique perspective to her work.
'Last Aid' Program - FREE!
The Last Aid program is designed to provide palliative care education to the public through a series of facilitated sessions with interactive online programs. The sessions offer beginner-friendly, accessible sessions run by two trained facilitators (Linda Hochstetler, Registered Social Worker, and Death Consultant, and Dr. Julie McIntyre, retired Family Doctor and Advanced Care Plan expert) which will engage participants and encourage more open discussion of palliative care approaches. By discussing these topics more openly at home and in their social circles we hope to normalize death and dying conversations and provide a stronger understanding and appreciation of what hospice palliative is, as well as what it is not.
The Last Aid program consists of four modules which cover the following topics:
1. Care at the end of life
2. Advance care planning and decision making
3. Symptom management
4. Cultural aspects of death and bereavement.
This free 3.5-hour online program is being sponsored by the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association and is part of a global movement begun in Germany. Last Aid'. The next session will be held on Zoom on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 1:00-4:30pm ET.
Registration is free to anyone living anywhere, but is required in advance to receive the Zoom link.
Social Work Me Podcast
Matthew Barnes, from the Southwest Counselling Services from Sarnia, Ontario, interviews author Linda Hochstetler about her recent book - 21 Days to Die: The Canadian Guide to End of Life. His podcast draws on the specialities of other experts on a range of topics and goes out to other social workers wanting to learn more about working with people who are dying and at end-of-life.
Praise for the Book
"With a wealth of expertise in palliative care, Linda Hochstetler brings knowledge and compassion to a topic that many avoid, yet none of us will escape. Informative and thought-provoking, 21 Days to Die is an important resource that helps us better understand dying and death in Canada."
— Dr. Naheed Dosani, Palliative care physician and health justice activist
"21 Days to Die is a welcome and important addition to the field of end of life care. It is delightful to have Linda’s voice and experience in the urgency and tenderness of this work."
— Koshin Paley Ellison, author of Wholehearted: Slow Down, Help Out, Wake Up and Co-Founder of the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care
"With spot-on timing, Linda Hochstetler has provided the ideal guidebook for anyone who believes they will die one day. With practical tips, relatable examples and a huge list of resources, Linda helps us prepare ourselves and others for this natural transition."
— Julie McIntyre, MD, CCFP, FCFP, semi-retired family physician providing counselling in advance care planning and end of life issues.
"Give yourself the gift of reading 21 Days to Die; it is educational, compassionate and caring. Hochstetler generously shares her wealth of knowledge and experience in a concise book that will be a key tool for Canadians to deepen their understanding of how to care for and be with one another at the end of life."
— Kathy Kortes-Miller, PhD, MSW author of Talking About Death Won't Kill You
"Linda Hochstetler generously shares life-honouring wisdom without beating around the bush, calling on her years of experience supporting the dying & those they leave behind. Linda weaves in ideas & approaches from various people & perspectives, including Buddhism, that can strengthen our capacity to consciously navigate dying & death, particularly in a Canadian context."
— Chase Everett McMurren, MD, CCFP, MDPAC(C), Assistant Professor, Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto